About Safemap
Social Media Accounts
The above social media accounts are the only official social media accounts for Safemap.
To contact us, please submit a message using our Google Form, or send a message to one of the social media accounts listed above.
Safemap is a tool to display a heatmap of crimes in various cities. You can filter to various categories or date / time ranges.

Usage subject to terms of use.
This is an independent, self-funded project. Donations will help us to keep the site running. Please support us by making a donation.
Q: What data are these maps based on?
A: Public crime incident report datasets. To view a specific city's dataset, click on the 'Data Sources' dropdown of the options menu in that city's map page.
Q: How often is the data updated?
A: Generally monthly, but it depends on the city. They publish new data at different times.
Q: What does [category] mean in the data?
A: It's not always clear. Every city reports their crimes in a different way. Safemap's philosophy is to give users an unfiltered view of a city's crime data.
Q: Does the map really show all crimes committed in a city?
A: We have tried our best to give users an unfiltered view of the data. However, there are usually caveats to the data sources themselves:
  • Some incident reports are scrubbed for anonymity.
  • Different locations in the same city may report data separately (example: Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS).
  • Only incidents with geo points and dates / times are included.
  • Data does not include crimes that were not reported to police.
Q: Can you add a map for [city]?
Please contact us using the form above. We will add cities based on demand. But unfortunately, some cities don't have public data.
Q: I'm from a city goverment and I'd like to integrate my city with Safemap. How would I do this?
A: Please contact us. The goal is to integrate as many cities as possible.
Q: Can I advertise my business on Safemap?
A: Please contact us.
About the Company
We're a small, self-funded company based out of CA. Please contact us for more details.